Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Five!

Friday Five numero dos!
  1. Apple Cider
    One of my all time favorite things about winter (okay, one of the only things I actually like about winter) is apple cider. I can't get enough of it in the winter :) And I hate to admit it because I really don't like dropping $4 for something I could do myself...but Starbucks' Caramel Apple Cider do I put it...amazing. And I'm too lazy to make it that good myself.
  2. Disney World
    Three more days until we are off for a trip I have looked forward to for over a year! Landon is going to have sooo much fun and I will probably take enough pictures to make everyone feel like they were there. Don't hate me after Christmas when I have approximately 194039 pictures to share.
  3. Newborn and maternity photography
    In January I have my first maternity shoot, as well as my first newborn shoot! Both are very new to me but I'm so excited and can't wait to try something totally different. Of course in my head I'm already running through the types of shots I want to get and all of that fun stuff so I can't wait to actually make it happen!
  4. South Carolina
    After 3 hours of driving 30-45mph through snow yesterday and 2 extra hours on the road, I'm finally here (and loving that it's 60 degrees!). I passed upwards of 20 accidents and it was a little crazy but I took my time and made it safe and sound. Of course I always love being here but for the past 45 minutes it means that I've been fighting a big yellow furball who thinks she belongs in my lap or all over my keyboard. And she's pretty relentless. All the while the other yellow furball (who devoured an ENTIRE baked chicken this week by the way...bones and all, and lived to tell about it) is at home enjoying the snow I escaped from :) Cell phone pics...

  5. WPPI 2011
    2 months and 1 day until Dustin and I go to Vegas for WPPI-U! The U program is for emerging photographers and I'm so pumped to be taking classes on lighting, starting out right, business and legal procedures, workflow, and marketing...all taught by successful professionals in the industry no less.
Happy Friday! I hope nobody is doing too much last minute shopping this weekend. For the first time in a few years I'm not, but that's only because the Disney World trip forced me to get my stuff together in advance this year haha. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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