Friday, January 29, 2010

Riley does 2010

Riley's first photos of 2010, with a few inches of snow on the ground in the first few photos.

The Golden Rule

Meet our other Golden Retriever: Sami. Here is an assortment of photos from over the years. Sami will be 11 this coming summer.

Riley, geese. Geese, Riley.

March, 2009. Riley bird watching from the pier.

Misc. pictures from 2009

Below are miscellaneous photos from 2009.


My brother, myself, and one of our good friends Ryan, and usually others as well, all enjoy spending the summers on one of the most appealing parts of Southern Maryland; the river. Between tubing, skiing, and wakeboarding, we can easily spend all day soaking up the sun and cruising up and down the river, making sure to take time around lunch to grab a bite to eat at Stoney's in Broomes Island. Wakeboarding has proven to be the most favorite way to spend the day, and although I have a go at it occasionally, I'm much happier on the back of the boat behind the camera. Here are some of the shots I have from the past two summers.