So anyone who follows this blog, is friends with me on Facebook, or knows that I really am passionate about photography may realize that I am in the early stages of beginning to branch out and begin the process of (one day) trying to become a professional photographer. This is something I have been planning on doing, however and the classes I am taking right now are really getting me excited and giving me a jump-start and reason to get going. Up until now I've really just shared my photos because I love that a picture can say so much, have such deep meaning, and capture a special moment in time forever. Although I've always received positive feedback, I know that I have SO much to learn and really need to challenge myself to become more creative with my pictures and master my camera better. I recently just put together a Facebook for my photography, a Wix flash website (I will be moving to a legit domain this fall as I build my school portolio website at the same time), and am beginning to utilize Twitter to try to network a little and also stay informed on fun photography stuff (Twitter is way cool now that I am figuring out how to use it, by the way. Information comes and goes SO quickly!).
So, for anyone who may be wondering if I'm calling myself a pro or something all fancy now, no, I am hope is to have a normal person job after graduation in May, and still be pursuing the photography in hopes that it will get me somewhere and that I will be able to provide people with memories they are proud to show off to friends and family, and maybe even display in their home. For the remainder of 2010 I am offering to shoot pets, kids, and high school seniors for free in order to build my portfolio, meet new people, and get better at working with other people, kids, pets, etc (so if you want pictures, let me know silly!). There are so many photographers whose aesthetic and style I admire so much, but my main goal going forward is to always stay true to myself while defining my own style and always challenge myself to become better, learn more, and hopefully inspire others to do the same. So...enough being cheesy...but I just wanted to mention what was going on and give everyone a little bit of an idea of where I am hoping to go.
For anyone interested in visiting my new pages:
- Like me on Facebook
- Check out my Wix flash website
- Follow me on Twitter @brittanibowling
- And just for the heck of it, anyone interested in my journalism work during my time at TU can find my journalism blog here
So for today, I had planned all day to bust out the camera when the light got perfect but I ended up getting carried away online and soon realized it was almost 7:15...which means the beautiful light was disappearing on me! I grabbed the camera, Sami, and some treats and high-tailed it out the door, so excited to bust out the new tricks I learned in my Photojournalism class Wednesday night. I ended up getting a few good shots of her, but soon Mom came cruising down from the barn with Riley in tow and she lost interest. Being the old girl she is and her lack of interest in activity, I obliged to her request to go back inside and switched out my models. Of course Riley is just about the most perfect dog model EVA in the history of dog models (I mean, look at him, he's disgustingly handsome. And no, I am not biased.) so the shots I got of him turned out great. The lighting was beautiful and the green bokeh is downright dreamy. Okay, enough of that nonsense...happy Friday, here's the pictures! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
This is one of my all-time new favs! It depicts a few unique characteristics of his personality perfectly. 1. His willingness to cooperate with my ridiculous requests, 2. His obvious disagreement with the bushes poking him in various places of his face (He would definitely be saying "Um hey, yeh hi, I'm not sure if you noticed, but uh, it's kind of hard to look this fabulous with these poking me in the face Ma..."), and 3. His gawwwgeousness (how could I leave that one out??). Gosh I love him.
Oh and just for the heck of it...Bowling Brooke Farm :)
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